Deadline: March 5th, 2007
Abstract can only be submitted on-line to in English. Please find all information in the menu abstract on line.
The presentation of an abstract requires the registration of at least one of the authors.
The authors of the accepted abstracts will receive notification of acceptance by March 15th, 2007 together with information regarding their presentation.
All the accepted abstracts (if the presenter is regularly registered within March 31st) will be printed in a book available at the time of the Congress.
The Scientific Committee will review all the submitted abstracts and the selected ones will be accepted as oral communications or posters.
There will be special awards given to “THE BEST COMMUNICATIONS” selected by the Scientific Committee between accepted oral communications and posters
The Meeting proceedings containing the texts of presentations of the different sessions included in the Scientific Program will be published by an internationally renowned publisher and distributed to all registrants during the Meeting.
PC data projection is available in all the rooms. All projections must be worded in English only.
Attendance at all luncheon panels (limited to seat availability) is free for all registered participants.
The National Commission for Continuing Education of the Italian Ministry of Health has appointed Mediterranean Cardiology Meeting 2007 with 11 CME credits. Credits will be available for Cardiologists, Family Doctors and Internists. Credits earned will be listed on the attendance certificate issued after the end of the Meeting. The following conditions are mandatory for CME accreditation:
• Attendance throughout the Meeting for at least 18 hours;
• Filling in the learning test and the attendance test at the end of the Meeting.
Technical Courses:
BLS-D: 7 ECM credits for Cardiologists, Family Doctors and Internists and 7 ECM credits for Allied Professionals with a minimum 8 hours of attendance.
ECHO-CRT: 6 ECM credits for Cardiologists, Heart Surgeons and Internists with a minimum 7 hours of attendance.
CHF-CRT: 7 ECM credits for Cardiologists, Heart Surgeons and Internists with a minimum 7 hours of attendance.
Attendance certificates will be distributed to all registered delegates at the end of the Meeting.
The information published in this program is correct at time of print. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to change the program at any time.